MEDIBLINK Electro Therapy Device TENS-EMS-Massage M600

• 3-in-1 (TENS/EMS/Massage)
• 2 Channels
• 60 Programs
• 3 Massage Types
• 40 Levels of Intensity
• For 10 Body Parts
• XL Display with Backlight
• Eco-Friendly – with rechargeable Li-ion battery
Included: 4x 50 x 50 mm electrodes, 2 electrode cables, USB charging cable, USB-C connector
5 Years Warranty

  • 3 Massage Types 3 Massage Types
  • 60 Programs 60 Programs
  • 10 Body Parts 10 Body Parts
  • 2 Channels 2 Channels
  • XL Display XL Display
  • 5 Years Warranty 5 Years Warranty

Dostępność: W magazynie

139,98 €

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Opis produktu

Mediblink Electro Therapy Device M600

Intended use: It is used for temporary relief of pain associated with sore and aching muscles in the neck, shoulder, back, joint, hip, hand, abdomen, foot, upper extremities (arm) and lower extremities (leg) due to strain from exercise or normal household work activities. It is also intended for symptomatic relief and management of chronic, intractable pain and relief of pain associated with arthritis.

3 Modes (3-in-1):

1.)    TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) is effective in relief of pain. Electrical impulses stimulate the nerves to block the pain signals to the brain, causing the pain go unperceived.

2.)    EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) works by sending electronic pulses to the muscle needing treatment that causes the muscle to exercise passively.

3.)    Massage stimulation program provides relaxing muscle vibration to loosen tight muscles.

Mediblink Electro Therapy Device M600 covers larger treatment area (2 channels enable use of 4x 50 x 50 mm (included) or 4x 50 x 90 mm electrodes), is customizable (enables 60 treatment programs for 10 different body parts), contains 3 Massage Types (Knead, Rub and Tap), is Eco-Friendly (contains rechargeable Li-ion battery 500 mA) and it is easy to use at night (due to XL display with backlight).

The device offers 2 charging options: with USB cable or with USB-C connector (included). Make sure that you have a device that supports this type of connector.

Dimensions (H x W x D): 5,3 x 2,1 x 11 cm

Output Maximum: 120 mA

Frequency: 2-120 Hz

Pulse Width: 55-260 µs

Content: 1 Electro Therapy Device, 4 electrodes 50 x 50 mm, 2 electrode cables, 1 USB charging cable, 1 USB-C connector, 1 instructions for use.

5 Years Warranty

Cleaning: Pull the electrodes out of the device. Clean the device with a soft, slightly damp cloth. In case of heavier dirt build-up, you may also apply a mild detergent. Do not expose to moisture or dampness. Do not hold the device under running water, nor submerge it in water or other liquids. Do not expose to direct sunlight. Do not place it on hot surfaces. Clean the surface of the electrode pads carefully with a damp cloth (before that make sure the device is turned off). Do not use any chemical cleaners or abrasive agents for cleaning. Ensure that no water penetrates into the device. Should this happen, use the device again only when it is completely dry. Do not clean the device during treatment. 

Warnings: Do not use this device if you are using a cardiac pacemaker, implanted defibrillator, or other implemented metallic or electronic devices. Do not use this device near the cardiac area. Keep away from fire and water. Keep out of reach of children.

Informacje dodatkowe
Informacje dodatkowe
Adapter priloženNie
Druge posebnostiNie
Indikator nepravilnega srčnega utripa (srčna aritmija)Nie
Indikator gibanja telesa med meritvijoNie
Klinično testiran po ESH IP-2010Nie
Merjenje tlaka med inflacijo manšete (hitro merjenje)Nie
Merjenje tlaka med deflacijo manšete (klasično merjenje)Nie
Možnost kasnejšega preverjanja točnosti meritveNie
Možnost povezave z računalnikomNie
Možnost priklopa na adapterNie
Napihovanje manšete prilagojeno obsegu rokeNie
Opozori in opravi točno meritev v primeru srčne aritmijeNie
Osnovne značilnostiNie
Osvetljen zaslonNie
Povprečje meritevNie
Prikaz meritve na grafu (po WHO standardu)Nie
Prikaz pritiska srčnega utripaNie
Priložena torba za shranjevanjeNie
Priložen USB kabel in programska opremaNie
Spominska mestaNie
Točna meritev v primeru nepravilnega srčnega utripaNie
Velikost manšeteNie
Velikost zaslonaNie
Vrsta priloženih baterijNie
Vrsta manšeteNie
Vrsta merilnikaNie
Cev, dolžina ceviNie
Druge posebnostiNie
Klinično testiranNie
MMAD – povprečna velikost razpršenih delcevNie
Možnost uporabe s fiziološko raztopino in/ali zdravilomNie
Največji pretok (ml/min)Nie
Največji pritisk (bar)Nie
Operativni pretok (ml/min)Nie
Operativni pritisk (bar)Nie
PORR - % delcev manjših od 5 mikrona metraNie
Posodica za fiziološko raztopino/zdravilo, velikost posodiceNie
Predviden čas inhaliranja (5ml fiziološke raztopine)Nie
Priložena torba za shranjevanjeNie
Primeren za odrasle in otrokeNie
Teža (kg)Nie
Ustni nastavekNie
Vrsta maskeNie
Vrsta motorjaNie
Vsebuje prostor za shranjevanje rezervnih delovNie

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