MEDIBLINK Compressor Nebulizer Hippo M450
• Small, practical, easy to use
• Child friendly design
• Suitable for the entire family - for infants, children and adults
• Includes mask for babies and children, adult mask, mouthpiece, nebulizer cup, child nasal-piece, connecting tube, 5 spare air filters and adapter
• Very small aerosol size (MMAD: 3,08 μm) and very high proportion of respirable aerosols (PORR: 75 %)
• Extra fast therapy, with nebulization rate 0,2 ml/min
• Very low noise (<60 dB)
• Long connecting tube (1,5 m)
• 3 Years Warranty
Child Friendly
Very Effective
Portable size
Low Noise
For Whole Family
Compact & Simple
3 Years Warranty
Dostępność: W magazynie
Mediblink Compressor nebulizer Hippo M450 is small, practical and easy to use. It is suitable for the entire family - for infants, children and adults. It has got child friendly design. It includes mask for babies and children, adult mask, mouthpiece, nebulizer cup, child nasal-piece, connecting tube, 5 spare air filters and adapter.
Intended use: This product is intended for the treatment of asthma, allergies and other respiratory disorders.
It is medicaly very effective - 75% of aerosols reach lower airways - and has got very small aerosol size (MMAD: 3,08 μm).
With nebulization rate 0,2 ml/min enables very fast therapy. It produces very low noise (<60 dB). It has got a long connecting tube (1,5 m).
3 Years Warranty
Clean the casing of the main unit by using cloth moistened with water or a mild detergent. Do not use abrasive cleaners. Dry the casing immediately using a soft clean cloth.
Warnings: To avoid electrical shock: Do not use the compressor (main unit) and the AC adapter while they are wet. Do not immerse the compressor (main unit) in water or other liquid. Do not spill water or other liquids on the compressor. Do not use or store the device in humid locations or outdoors. Completely read all of the instructions included for compressor and accessories before using them.
* MMAD = average size of dispersed aerosols
* PORR = fraction of particles reaching the lower respiratory tract, all the way to the alveoli
Barva | Nie |
Dimenzija | Nie |
Velikost | Nie |
Adapter priložen | Nie |
Druge posebnosti | Nie |
Garancija | Nie |
Indikator nepravilnega srčnega utripa (srčna aritmija) | Nie |
Indikator gibanja telesa med meritvijo | Nie |
Klinično testiran po ESH IP-2010 | Nie |
Merjenje tlaka med inflacijo manšete (hitro merjenje) | Nie |
Merjenje tlaka med deflacijo manšete (klasično merjenje) | Nie |
Možnost kasnejšega preverjanja točnosti meritve | Nie |
Možnost povezave z računalnikom | Nie |
Možnost priklopa na adapter | Nie |
Napihovanje manšete prilagojeno obsegu roke | Nie |
Opozori in opravi točno meritev v primeru srčne aritmije | Nie |
Osnovne značilnosti | Nie |
Osvetljen zaslon | Nie |
Povprečje meritev | Nie |
Prikaz meritve na grafu (po WHO standardu) | Nie |
Prikaz pritiska srčnega utripa | Nie |
Priložena torba za shranjevanje | Nie |
Priložen USB kabel in programska oprema | Nie |
Spominska mesta | Nie |
Točna meritev v primeru nepravilnega srčnega utripa | Nie |
Velikost manšete | Nie |
Velikost zaslona | Nie |
Vrsta priloženih baterij | Nie |
Vrsta manšete | Nie |
Vrsta merilnika | Nie |
Cev, dolžina cevi | 1,5 m |
Druge posebnosti | Nie |
Garancija | 3 leta garancije |
Glasnost | 60 dB |
Klinično testiran | da |
MMAD – povprečna velikost razpršenih delcev | 3,08 μm |
Možnost uporabe s fiziološko raztopino in/ali zdravilom | da |
Največji pretok (ml/min) | 0,2 |
Največji pritisk (bar) | Nie |
Operativni pretok (ml/min) | 0,2 |
Operativni pritisk (bar) | Nie |
PORR - % delcev manjših od 5 mikrona metra | 75 % |
Posodica za fiziološko raztopino/zdravilo, velikost posodice | Nie |
Predviden čas inhaliranja (5ml fiziološke raztopine) | Nie |
Priložena torba za shranjevanje | Nie |
Primeren za odrasle in otroke | da |
Teža (kg) | Nie |
Ustni nastavek | da |
Vrsta maske | Priloženi mehki maski za otroke in odrasle |
Vrsta motorja | kompresorski (batni) |
Vsebuje prostor za shranjevanje rezervnih delov | Nie |
Slika je simbolična.