MEDIBLINK ColdHot pack beads S 10 x 10 cm M120

Cooled or heated, they keep the temperature for at least 20 min
• Completely safe use - can be put directly on the skin
• Beads allow for ideal adaptation to your body and provide immediate relief in case of sore muscles, sprains, arthritis, swelling or insect bites
Flexible even when taken out of the freezer, allowing for immediate use
Warmed in the microwave or hot water, they help relax tight muscles, increase blood circulation and speed up healing
• Size: 10 x 10 cm

Dostępność: W magazynie

7,99 €

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Opis produktu

Mediblink ColdHot pack beads S 10 x 10 cm M120 enables therapy with soft gel beads.

Intended use: Providing hot/cold therapy for different affected areas.

Advantages of beads therapy: The gel is in the form of soft balls that move freely inside the pad, so the pad adapts very well to the body as soon as you take it out of the freezer. Thanks to the beads, the pad can be placed directly on the skin.

For warm therapy: Heat the pack in the microwave for 25 seconds at 1000 W or 30 seconds at 900 W or 35 seconds at 700 W. Leave it there for another 20 seconds before placing it on the skin. Try the compress on your body for 2 minutes. If you want a warmer compress, heat it in the microwave in 5-second increments until you reach the optimal temperature. DO NOT HEAT FOR MORE THAN A TOTAL OF 60 SECONDS, as the product may burst due to overheating. You can also heat the compress for 10 minutes in hot water (maximum 60 ºC).

For cold therapy: Place the compress in the refrigerator or freezer and leave it there for at least 2 hours.

Use: Place the compress on the affected area for a maximum of 20 minutes. Wait at least 20 minutes before using the compress again. When not in use, the product can also be stored in the freezer.

Warning: For external use only. Do not use for purposes other than those for which it is intended. Do not sit, lie down or lean on the compress. Do not fall asleep while using the compress. Do not use on babies. Use only under adult supervision. Overheating or prolonged use may cause damage. Do not open the bandage. Do not puncture the wrapper and/or ingest the contents. Do not use if you have sensitive skin or open wounds. In case of extreme, long-lasting or chronic pain, consult a doctor or pharmacist. Non-toxic, latex, lead and BPA free.

Informacje dodatkowe
Informacje dodatkowe
Adapter priloženNie
Druge posebnostiNie
Indikator nepravilnega srčnega utripa (srčna aritmija)Nie
Indikator gibanja telesa med meritvijoNie
Klinično testiran po ESH IP-2010Nie
Merjenje tlaka med inflacijo manšete (hitro merjenje)Nie
Merjenje tlaka med deflacijo manšete (klasično merjenje)Nie
Možnost kasnejšega preverjanja točnosti meritveNie
Možnost povezave z računalnikomNie
Možnost priklopa na adapterNie
Napihovanje manšete prilagojeno obsegu rokeNie
Opozori in opravi točno meritev v primeru srčne aritmijeNie
Osnovne značilnostiNie
Osvetljen zaslonNie
Povprečje meritevNie
Prikaz meritve na grafu (po WHO standardu)Nie
Prikaz pritiska srčnega utripaNie
Priložena torba za shranjevanjeNie
Priložen USB kabel in programska opremaNie
Spominska mestaNie
Točna meritev v primeru nepravilnega srčnega utripaNie
Velikost manšeteNie
Velikost zaslonaNie
Vrsta priloženih baterijNie
Vrsta manšeteNie
Vrsta merilnikaNie
Cev, dolžina ceviNie
Druge posebnostiNie
Klinično testiranNie
MMAD – povprečna velikost razpršenih delcevNie
Možnost uporabe s fiziološko raztopino in/ali zdravilomNie
Največji pretok (ml/min)Nie
Največji pritisk (bar)Nie
Operativni pretok (ml/min)Nie
Operativni pritisk (bar)Nie
PORR - % delcev manjših od 5 mikrona metraNie
Posodica za fiziološko raztopino/zdravilo, velikost posodiceNie
Predviden čas inhaliranja (5ml fiziološke raztopine)Nie
Priložena torba za shranjevanjeNie
Primeren za odrasle in otrokeNie
Teža (kg)Nie
Ustni nastavekNie
Vrsta maskeNie
Vrsta motorjaNie
Vsebuje prostor za shranjevanje rezervnih delovNie

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